Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why Take the Blue Pill, if you can Take the Earth Pill?

earth pill
With the less than ideal quality of diet that most people have, certain bodily functions slow down and weaken due to the body’s inability to naturally replenish and nourish itself. Without the supplementary dietary nutrients, various body systems bog down in a wear and tear process we call ageing.

But ageing is not the only cause for deterioration of bodily functions. Environmental pollution poses serious health risks that can directly destroy our body’s immune system. Stress in various forms, has been recognized to have not just psychological, but also unwanted physiological implications. Among the male population, sexual health and performance are increasingly becoming one of the most common

concern of middle-aged men.

If you feel like you or somebody you know belong to this segment and if you are aware of the various remedies available in the market addressing concerns like
erectile dysfunction (ED for short) and poor sexual appetite…yet you know some synthetic medications have adverse side effects to those with health problems, such as heart conditions and diabetes - YOU feel helpless and frustrated, playing it safe, hiding away and even denying your condition.

But nature always has a way.

Why take risk in synthetic drugs if you can take an all-natural, earth sex pill?

Imagine taking a bowl of green super salad with all the natural goodness and
enzymes and anti-oxidants that provide optimum benefits for the body. Is there a “salad” comparable to having natural herbs and extracts that can help remedy conditions like ED and even premature ejaculation?

The number one all-natural European sex pill, Potensan®, has all the ingredients to reverse the deteriorating sexual performance brought about by ageing, stress and disease. Potensan® combines the natural extracts and aphrodisiacs from centuries-old-known plant sources of sexual potency. These herbs are extracted from the most potent plants grown in a carefully controlled environment giving the assurance of maximum quality and effectiveness.

Potensan® when taken regularly helps increase the secretion of testosterone – the male sex hormone that enables him to perform better and longer during sexual engagements. Unlike other artificial sex pills, Potensan® stimulates the brain to send signals to the body during sexual excitement, creating a more natural and intense arousal – the most satisfying effect compared with the involuntary erection brought by other sex pills.

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